From: FERNANDES, Viv Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 3:59 PM Subject: WCPFC VMS SWG - Update Paper for comment [SEC=OFFICIAL] Attachments: VMS SWG - Update Paper 16 March 2021.docx OFFICIAL Dear VMS SWG participants As many of you would be aware, WCPFC17 supported the continuation of the VMS SWG into 2021. Terry and I would like to thank all participants for their engagement and detailed input into the SWG’s work in 2020. In accordance with the WCPFC17 direction, the Co-Chairs have prepared an update paper (attached) outlining the tasks and issues before the SWG, and proposing some potential approaches for participants to consider. Our intention is for the VMS SWG to continue its work remotely via email in the lead up to TCC17, and submit specific recommendations to TCC17 regarding preferred steps to addressing any VMS data gaps in the Commission. Terry and I would appreciate comments from participants on this paper by Tuesday 13 April 2021. Where possible, if participants could provide specific input regarding the proposed approaches outlined in the paper (i.e. final column of each table) that would be appreciated. Also, you will note that we are seeking your specific input on your experience with the Vessel Reporting Status Tool (VRST) under Issue 3 (e.g. agree with suggestions, have any additional suggestions, or have any concerns). Please contact Terry or me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any issue further. Thanks for your ongoing contributions. Viv