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  1. Launch of the New Online Compliance Case File System and Other Annual Reporting Updates

    of AR Pt 2 and upgraded CCFS online. 23 March 2022.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 May 2022 - 12:20pm

  2. Report on the Audit of WPEA-SM Project

    completed and submitted for comments to WCPFC-IP and UNDP on 23, 25 and 30 May 2018 after further review of ... WCPFC-IP on funds provided by UNDP. The Statement of Expenditures contains the transactions for the audit ... system, and whether the amounts reconcile to the amounts reported by WCPFC-IP on the Funding Authorization ...

    SungKwon Soh - 25 Nov 2018 - 7:58pm

  3. Progress on the Shark Research Plan (2014)

    ‐WP‐04.  Clarke, S., et al. 2011. A progress report on the shark research plan. WCPFC‐SC7‐EB‐IP‐01.  Clarke, S., et al. 2011. Analysis of North Pacific ... for a Research Plan to Determine the Status of the Key Shark Species.  WCPFC‐SC6‐2010/EB‐WP‐01.  Accessed  online  at‐SC6‐2010_EB ... Sharks / Sharks- science docs EB-WP-04 shark research plan.pdf Microsoft Word- SC10-EB-WP-04 shark ...

    Shelley Clarke - 12 Aug 2014 - 1:13pm

  4. Conservation and Management Measure for bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

    Management Measure for tropical tunas.pdf 1 COMMISSION FOURTEENTH REGULAR SESSION Manila, Philippines ... Forum Fisheries Agency have indicated their intention to adopt a system of zone-based longline limits to ... replace the current system of flag-based bigeye catch limits within their EEZs, and a system of zone-based ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 13 Feb 2019 - 11:40am

  5. ISSF Technical Report- Summary Report on International Workshop on Application of Electronic Monitoring Systems in Tuna Longline Fisheries (Dec 2015)

    WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-IP04 ISSF-Technical-Report-Dec 2015.pdf ... Authors:  ISSF Symbol:  WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-IP04 Date of Issue:  Monday, July 18, 2016 Download ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 3 Feb 2022 - 3:16pm

  6. WG.II, Review of data standards, technical capabilities and data sharing policies for the WCP region.

    WCPFC_PrepCon_WP10(Data_Rept).pdf WCPFC_PrepCon_WP10(Data_Rept).doc Interim Advice to the Preparatory Conference for the ... Information Data and Statistics Unit FIGIS Fisheries Global Information System FTP File Transfer Protocol GAM ... each individual tow for trawl, each set for long-line and purse-seine, each school fished for ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:04am

  7. 2014 CMM Booklet

    introduced 100% observer coverage for purse seiners. CMM 2013-01 has specific rules for the Philippines ... principles for strengthening data collection for science. Res. 2012-01 Development of CMMs This CMM sets out ... to mitigate the impact of fishing for highly migratory fish stocks on seabirds 2008-01 Conservation ...

    Karl Staisch - 9 Sep 2015 - 12:02am

  8. Deadline for nominations of CCM representatives to participate in Informal Small Working Group to review the remuneration system for professional staff and the ED (IWG-REM)- refer Circular 2021/01

    Deadline 15 Jan 2021 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei To provide names, CCM affiliation and email addresses of their representatives to the IWG-REM by Friday 15 January 2021 to Ms Pamela Maru (Cook Islands).   The relevant paragraph from ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  9. Review of non-key shark species (2016)

    / Sharks- science docs EB-WP-08 non key sharks-and-rays(1).pdf SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE TWELFTH REGULAR SESSION ... from 1995-2015. 2 Methods Logsheet data were not used here as there are no reporting requirements for ... calculated as the sum of albacore or yellowfin + bigeye tuna catch (in individuals). For each species or ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:50pm

  10. Final Report from the Independent Panel to review the Compliance Monitoring Scheme [with Executive Summary]

    reduced. 7. The Panel has therefore identified several recommendations to make the system less onerous for ... is repeated non-compliance, apparently due to a systemic reason. Such a QAR would be for the purpose ... of assisting the CCM, and making recommendations, not for any punitive purpose. It would be based ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 15 Jul 2021 - 2:01pm


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