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    be used and applied through the database system. 3. P4KSI (with assistance from WCPFC/SPC, where ... Recommendations (final).pdf First WPEA Indo Tuna Data Review WS Recommendations (final) FIRST INDONESIAN/WCPFC ... quality of the data collected. It was recommended that at least one caliper be made available for each ...

    EightyOptions - 1 Aug 2012 - 3:07pm

  2. CMS IWG Working Draft Text – revision 3_with edits from FFA-US (onscreen as at 9pm 12 Dec 2018)

    maintain the WCPFC online compliance case file system as a secure, searchable system to store, manage and ... reference to online compliance case file system. Some conforming edits to paragraph 8 may also be needed to ... comment. ALT Working Draft Notes [WCPFC Online Compliance Case file system 8 bis. The Secretariat shall ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 13 Dec 2018 - 6:06pm

  3. Review of Vietnam's legal, policy and institutional arrangements in light of WCPFC requirements

    recommendations to address the inconsistency..................... 68 Annex 3. List of WCPFC CMMs, and ... prejudice to WCPFC measures. Members of the Committee shall only be authorized to use their flag vessels to ... Convention Area at S 15o latitude during 2000-2004. + CMM 2006-09: Conservation measures to set up the list ...

    EightyOptions - 13 Dec 2012 - 4:52pm

  4. Process for Designating WCPFC Key Shark Species for Data Provision and Assessment

    a Research Plan to Determine the Status of the Key Shark Species. WCPFC-SC6-2010/EB-WP-01. Accessed online at ... 2010_EB-WP-01_Research_Plan_to_determine_status_of_Key_Shark_Species.pdf FAO (Food and Agriculture ... session/summary-report/SC6%20Final_Edited-Reviewed-Cleaned%20-%2030Mar2011.pdf WCPFC (Western and ...

    EightyOptions - 5 Jun 2012 - 3:41am

  5. WCPFC9 Decision on Application of WCPFC VMS to national waters of WCPFC Members

    Area at WCPFC7, pending resolution of an agreed upon template agreement. CCMs have agreed to take the ... WCPFC-2010-DP27 rev 1, the following principles will govern the application of the Commission VMS to the national ... Guidelines Procedures and Regulations WCPFC9-decision-24(8).pdf 238. WCPFC9 adopted the following paragraphs ...

    EightyOptions - 4 Mar 2013 - 4:22pm

  6. PEW Submission: Comments on FFA Proposal for CMM on the CMS

    Commented [A4]: Pew would like to reiterate that the CMS should be guided by the language of the WCPFC ... compliance case file system, to provide an indicator of potential anomalies in the implementation of the ... of any CMMs or obligations that should be reviewed to address implementation or compliance ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 2 Sep 2018 - 6:46am

  7. Comparative matrix of WCPFC member obligations iwth Philippine policy/law/institutional arrangements- progress

    on high seas fishing will be further reviewed to incorporate WCPF Convention provision and CMM on ... and WCPFC same Only a single record of active fishing vessels needs to be published for use by ... 2010-06) a. transmit to Exec. Director a The Philippine follows the procedure under this CMM Review of this ...

    EightyOptions - 13 Dec 2012 - 4:09pm

  8. Deadline for CCMs to transmit to the Secretariat their list of vessels presumed to be carrying IUU activities for the current or the previous year (CMM 2010-06 04)

    their list of vessels presumed to be carrying out IUU activities in the Convention Area during the ... Deadline 17 Jul 2019 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia At least 70 days before the annual ... meeting of the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC), CCMs shall transmit to the Executive Director ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  9. Deadline for Secretariat to send out dCMR and relevant online compliance case information and summaries to each CCM (CMM 2019-06 25 and 26)

    the Executive Director shall draw from the online case file system and transmit to: (i) each flag CCM, ... systemic failures to take flag state action in relation to alleged violations.  This information shall be ... to TCC each year, the Executive Director shall transmit to each CCM its dCMR. 26. At the same time, ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  10. Standards, Specifications and Procedures for Electronic Reporting in the WCPFC- operational catch and effort data + observer data

    WCFPC CMM 2012-05 – chartering notifications. CHAR(2) WCPFC alpha-2 two-letter country code (refer to ... : a. Paragraph 3 and Annex 1 of Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission. b. WCPFC ROP Minimum ... be the responsibility of CCMs to inform the WCPFC Secretariat of any confidentiality requirements ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Jul 2018 - 5:09pm


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