Sharks - science docs

Symbol sort ascending Files Date of Issue
SC11-EB-WP-03 Whale Shark Mitigation (2015) file attachment 20 Jul 2015
SC6-EB-WP-01 WCPFC Shark Research Plan (2010) file attachment 22 Jul 2010
SC18-SA-WP-02 Stock assessment of Southwest Pacific Shortfin Mako shark file attachment 13 Aug 2022
SC17-SA-WP-03 Stock Assessment of Southwest Pacific Blue Shark file attachment 10 Aug 2021
SC14-SA-WP-11 Stock Assessment of Shortfin Mako Shark in the North Pacific Ocean Through 2016 file attachment 23 Jul 2018
SC15-SA-WP-06 Stock assessment for oceanic whitetip shark in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean file attachment 25 Jul 2019
SC18-SA-WP-06 Stock assessment and future projections of blue sharks in the North Pacific Ocean through 2020 file attachment 25 Jul 2022
SC13-SA-WP-10 Stock Assessment and Future Projections of Blue Shark in the North Pacific Ocean through 2015 file attachment 22 Jul 2017
SC7-EB-WP-04 Status Snapshot of WCPFC Key Shark Species (2011) file attachment 21 Jul 2011
SC13-SA-WP-12_rev1 Southern Hemisphere porbeagle shark ( Lamna nasus ) stock status assessment (Rev 1) file attachment 22 Jul 2017
SC9-SA-WP-03 Silky Shark Stock Assessment (2013) file attachment 16 Jul 2013
SC11-EB-WP-01 Shark Research Plan 2016-2020 (2015) file attachment 22 Jul 2015
SC12-EB-WP-05 Shark Management Plans (2016) file attachment 18 Jul 2016
SC11-EB-WP-04 Shark Indicators (II) (2015) file attachment 23 Jul 2015
SC14-SA-WP-12 Risk to the Indo-Pacific Ocean whale shark population from interactions with Pacific Ocean purse-seine fisheries Rev 2 (22 July 2018) file attachment 31 Aug 2018
SC9-EB-WP-01 Review of Whale Shark Data (2013) file attachment 14 Jul 2013
SC13-EB-WP-07 Review of shark data and modelling framework - [placeholder] 22 Jul 2017
SC12-EB-WP-08 Review of non-key shark species (2016) file attachment 15 Jul 2016
SC18-SA-WP-03 Report on WCPFC project 107b: Improved stock assessment and structural uncertainty grid for Southwest Pacific blue shark file attachment 8 Aug 2022
SC12-EB-WP-03 Purse Seine FAD and Free School Catches of Sharks (2016) file attachment 13 Jul 2016
SC10-EB-WP-04 Progress on the Shark Research Plan (2014) file attachment 19 Jul 2014
SC14-SA-WP-08 Pacific-wide Silky Shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) Stock Status Assessment (22 July 2018) and Addendum (8 August 2018) file attachment 8 Aug 2018
SC10-EB-WP-01 Operational Factors Analysis for Sharks (II) (2014) file attachment 26 Jul 2014
SC9-EB-WP-02 Operational Factors Analysis for Sharks (I)(2013) file attachment 19 Jul 2013
SC8-SA-WP-06 Oceanic Whitetip Shark Stock Assessment (2012) file attachment 13 Jul 2012
SC11-SA-WP-08 North Pacific Shortfin Mako Assessment (2015) file attachment 30 Jul 2015
SC10-SA-WP-08 North Pacific Blue Shark Stock Assessment using SS3 (2014) file attachment 30 Jul 2014
SC12-EB-WP-06 Longline Mitigation Options for Sharks (II) (2016) file attachment 21 Jul 2016
SC11-EB-WP-02 Longline Mitigation Options for Sharks (I)(2015) file attachment 22 Jul 2015
SC14-SA-WP-09 Indicators of the spatial distribution of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Pacific file attachment 21 Jul 2018
SC7-EB-WP-01 Indicator Analysis of WCPFC Key Shark Species (2011) file attachment 20 Jul 2011
SC17-SA-IP-21 Future Stock Projections of Oceanic Whitetip Sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (Project 102) file attachment 27 Jul 2021
SC10-MI-WP-07 Development of Limit Reference Points for Elasmobranchs (2014) file attachment 14 Jul 2014
SC15-SA-IP-14 Data preparation for Southeast Pacific blue and shortfin mako sharks file attachment 12 Aug 2019
SC17-SA-IP-06 Characterisation of the fisheries catching South Pacific blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean file attachment 24 Jul 2021
SC12-SA-WP-09 Catch and CPUE inputs to the South Pacific blue shark stock assessment Rev 1 (27 July 2016) file attachment 28 Jul 2016
SC13-SA-WP-11 Bigeye Thresher Shark Assessment file attachment 22 Jul 2017
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