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  1. Alternative trajectories to achieve the South Pacific albacore interim TRP

    Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-19 (Update of SC15-MI-WP-02) Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 ... Download (419.98 KB) Folder:  WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents WCPFC16-2019-19 SPA TRP trajectories.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2019 - 6:51pm

  2. Strategic Investment Plan 2019

    Symbol:  WCPFC16 Att G Date of Issue:  Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Download (223.96 KB) Folder:  ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Dec 2019 - 11:52am

  3. Interim Rebuilding Plan for North Pacific Striped Marlin

    Symbol:  WCPFC16-Att L Date of Issue:  Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Download (84.93 KB) Folder:  ... WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents WCPFC16-Attachment L- NPSM rebuilding plan.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 27 Apr 2020 - 11:36am

  4. Proposal for a Conservation and Management Measure on Mobulid Rays caught in association with fisheries in the WCPFC Convention Area

    Authors:  FFA Member CCMs Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-DP02_rev1 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 9, 2019 ... WCPFC16-2019-DP02_rev1 FFA Mobulid CMM Proposal rev1_0 (1).pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Nov 2020 - 3:07pm

  5. Proposal on guidelines for the safe-handling and release of seabirds

    Authors:  New Zealand Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-DP07 Date of Issue:  Tuesday, November 5, 2019 ... WCPFC16-2019-DP07 NZ Proposal for adoption of voluntary safe handling guidelines seabirds.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Nov 2020 - 3:11pm

  6. Proposals on Conservation and Management Measures on Tropical Tunas

    Authors:  United States of America Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-DP10 Date of Issue:  Tuesday, November 5, ... proposals WCPFC16-2019-DP10 USA proposals on tropical tunas CMMs.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Nov 2020 - 3:12pm

  7. Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03)- revision 2

    Authors:  Republic of Korea Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-DP15_rev2 Date of Issue:  Tuesday, December 10, ... proposals WCPFC16-2019-DP15_rev2 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2011-03.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Nov 2020 - 3:14pm

  8. Current and projected stock status of WCPO skipjack tuna to inform consideration of an updated target reference point

    Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-14 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 7, 2020 Download (308.36 KB) Folder:  ... WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents WCPFC16-2019-14 SKJ TRP.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 7 Dec 2020 - 3:09pm

  9. 2019 Annual Report of the Executive Director

    Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-04 Date of Issue:  Friday, October 25, 2019 Download (376.85 KB) Past ED ... Annual Reports WCPFC16-2019-04 Executive Director's Annual Report 2019.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 27 Dec 2021 - 3:01pm

  10. FFA Member Proposal on CMM 2018-07, Section IX: Future Work, paragraph 46(i): development of a process for assessing CCM actions in accordance with para 7(ii)(b) to replace para 27.

    Authors:  FFA Member CCMs Symbol:  WCPFC16-2019-DP03 Date of Issue:  Tuesday, November 5, 2019 ... proposals WCPFC16-2019-DP03 FFA assessing CCM actions in CMS to replace para 27.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Nov 2020 - 3:09pm


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