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  1. Palau Signs Fishing Deal With Foreign Companies

    of the no fishing zone, the ban on shark fining, and the requirement that vessels return within 30 ... 19 Apr 2006- 00:00 Palau has signed a memorandum of agreement with three foreign fishing companies ...

    EightyOptions - 29 Jul 2009 - 9:45am

  2. Conservation and Management Measure Prohibiting Fishing on Data Buoys- see information package below

    Oceanographic Commission have determined that vandalism and damage to data buoys by fishing vessels are ... 1. CCMs shall prohibit their fishing vessels from fishing within one nautical mile of or interacting ... encircling the buoy with fishing gear; tying up to or attaching the vessel, or any fishing gear, part or ...

    EightyOptions - 29 May 2012 - 3:56pm

  3. What's in the BMIS?

     recorded in the WCPO Observer Database. Only those species that have been noted as 'caught by ... General, Identification and Handling Guides, Other Bycatch Databases, Research, RFMOs and Videos. Links to ... mortality in fishing operations, can be found here. Review date:  Tuesday, October 7, 2014 ...

    EightyOptions - 7 Oct 2014 - 12:01am

  4. Report of the second Eastern Indonesia Tuna Fishery Data Collection Workshop (EITFDC-2), 5/29/2008, Jakarta, Indonesia

    Table 1. Number of registered vessels by fishing gear in Bitung 2005 and 2006 Types of gear 2005 2006 ... 30 Source: Bitung District Fisheries Office Table 2. Number of registered vessels by fishing gear in ... example, landings from pole-and-line vessels at the Bitung Fishing port only occurs at night. 4.4 Data ...

    EightyOptions - 3 Apr 2009 - 3:24am

  5. Information paper on expansion of fishing capacity in the WCPFC area during the Preparatory Conference Process

    licensed purse seine vessels, while all other companies currently own Taiwanese licensed fishing vessels ... (21) large fishing vessels in total operating in the Convention area. Three of those seven companies ... engaged or engage in fishing vessel construction business. It seems obvious that all of the seven ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  6. Conservation and Management Measure for Mitigating Impacts of Fishing on Seabirds

    2007-04 will remain in effect. 2 1. CCMs shall require their longline vessels fishing south of 30oS, to ... 2. CCMs shall require their longline vessels fishing north of 23oN, to use at least two of the ... reporting purposes, each CCM with longline vessels that fish in the Convention Area south of 30°S or north ...

    EightyOptions - 2 Mar 2017 - 4:18pm

  7. RFV Summary Statistics

    Members or Cooperating Non-Members national record of fishing vessels which is maintained by the ... has provided to the WCPFC Secretariat of its vessels that are authorized to fish beyond its national ... jurisdiction within the Convention Area (it is made up of the details of each vessel that is on a particular ...

    EightyOptions - 21 Aug 2016 - 12:03am

  8. Deadline for CCMs and non-CCMs with vessels on the draft IUU Vessel List to submit comments to the Secretariat (CMM 2019-07 09)

    non-CCMs with vessels on the list should transmit, at least 10 days before the TCC’s annual meeting, their ... comments to the Executive Director, including suitably documented information, showing that the vessels ... have fished in a manner consistent with WCPFC conservation measures or the laws and regulations of ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  9. Deadline for CCMs and non-CCMs with vessels on the draft IUU Vessel List to submit comments to the Secretariat (CMM 2019-07 09)

    non-CCMs with vessels on the list should transmit, at least 10 days before the TCC’s annual meeting, their ... comments to the Executive Director, including suitably documented information, showing that the vessels ... have fished in a manner consistent with WCPFC conservation measures or the laws and regulations of ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 13 Aug 2021 - 5:30pm

  10. Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Whale Sharks from Purse Seine Fishing Operations

    by observer reports on fishing activities by vessels flagged to Members, Co- operating Non-Members ... Agreement (PNA) have prohibited the purse seine vessels fishing in their exclusive economic zones from ... MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR PROTECTION OF WHALE SHARKS FROM PURSE SEINE FISHING OPERATIONS Conservation and ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 3:57pm


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