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  1. Information paper on expansion of fishing capacity in the WCPFC area during the Preparatory Conference Process

    licensed purse seine vessels, while all other companies currently own Taiwanese licensed fishing vessels ... (21) large fishing vessels in total operating in the Convention area. Three of those seven companies ... engaged or engage in fishing vessel construction business. It seems obvious that all of the seven ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  2. Conservation and Management Measure for Mitigating Impacts of Fishing on Seabirds

    2007-04 will remain in effect. 2 1. CCMs shall require their longline vessels fishing south of 30oS, to ... 2. CCMs shall require their longline vessels fishing north of 23oN, to use at least two of the ... reporting purposes, each CCM with longline vessels that fish in the Convention Area south of 30°S or north ...

    EightyOptions - 2 Mar 2017 - 4:18pm

  3. Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Whale Sharks from Purse Seine Fishing Operations

    by observer reports on fishing activities by vessels flagged to Members, Co- operating Non-Members ... Agreement (PNA) have prohibited the purse seine vessels fishing in their exclusive economic zones from ... MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR PROTECTION OF WHALE SHARKS FROM PURSE SEINE FISHING OPERATIONS Conservation and ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 3:57pm

  4. Commission FAQs

    jurisdiction. The Secretariat maintains a central database of each member’s authorized list of fishing vessels ... vessels that use longlines (fishing line with hooks set at regular intervals) and purse seine gear (large ... countries such as Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei and the United States, that support fleets of vessels fishing ...

    EightyOptions - 2 Mar 2010 - 1:39pm

  5. WCPFC Brochure

    a requirement for each member to establish and maintain a record of fishing vessels that are authorized to fish ... a central database of each member’s authorized list of fishing vessels, which acts as a verification tool to ... management of fishing vessels that use longlines (fishing line with hooks set at regular intervals) and purse ...

    EightyOptions - 2 Mar 2010 - 11:26am

  6. Frequently Asked Questions and Brochures

    jurisdiction. The Secretariat maintains a central database of each member’s authorized list of fishing vessels ... primarily concerned with the management of fishing vessels that use longlines (fishing line with hooks set ... the equator in the WCPO are fertile fishing grounds for vessels targeting most types of tuna, as well ...

    EightyOptions - 3 Mar 2010 - 10:42am

  7. Conservation and Management Measure for Mitigating Impacts of Fishing on Seabirds

    of 30o South 1. CCMs shall require their longline vessels fishing south of 30oS, to use at least two ... require their large-scale longline vessels of 24 meters or more in overall length fishing north of 23oN, ... also shall require their small-scale longline vessels less than 24 meters in overall length fishing ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 5 Feb 2018 - 12:24pm

  8. Fact Sheet Presented by Japanese Delegation on Expansion of Fishing Capacity of Purse Seiners in the Western Central Pacific

    vessels at 41. The 26 purse seiners would be a net increase of the total fishing capacity. Moreover, all ... seine vessels at 41. The 26 purse seiners would be a net increase of the total fishing capacity. ... CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGHLY MIGRATORY FISH STOCKS IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PACIFIC Fourth session ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  9. Table of ROP minimum standard data fields 2016

    ATTRIBUTES Vessel fish hold capacity Record in metric tonnes the total capacity of the fish holds of the ... Lloyd’s Register number ‘LR” Effective 1 January 2016 all fishing vessels ... departure from port The day and time the vessel leaves port to start its fishing campaign. I.e. lifts its ...

    EightyOptions - 19 Dec 2018 - 5:33pm


    State responsibility and developing a global record of fishing vessels (FAO 2009b). Trade-based measures ... not they should be used to check the compliance of vessels authorised to fish by RFMO members, is ... scheme. The primary tangible result of the TIS has been to identify several unauthorised fishing vessels ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 22 Apr 2014 - 2:34pm


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