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  1. WCPFC’s Compliance Manager to Chair Global Tuna Project Steering Committee

    compliance with conservation and management measures, and reducing the environmental impacts of tuna fishing ... organizations, responsible for the conservation and sustainable use of highly migratory fish stocks, particularly ... Administration (NOAA), Pacific Community (SPC), Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), PEW Charitable ...

    Emma N. Mori - 19 Sep 2023 - 11:45am

  2. FSM nomination of four vessels for draft IUU list in 2015_rev1

    following Philippine flag vessels entered FSM EEZ on 30 October 2013 and suspected of possible fishing and ... Fish Carrier DUM-6579 Active Snapshot from WCPFC VMS INCIDENT 2 The following Philippine flag vessels ... vessels entered FSM EEZ on or about 01 December 2013 and suspected of possible fishing and illegal ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Sep 2015 - 11:35am

  3. PW additional information as reply to full draft CMR

    Reporting Gap Palau does not have vessels registered or listed on the record of fishing vessels. Palau also ... does not have vessels authorized to fish on the high seas. Palau (vii) Submission of AR Part 2 and ... submiting its Part 2 report, is voluntarily submitting catch and effort data on foreign vessels fishing in ...

    Ana Taholo - 13 Oct 2014 - 4:55pm

  4. Trial Summary Tables of Flag CCM responses to alleged infringements notified in the WCPFC online compliance case file system- revision 1

    investigations continuing 9. CCMs shall take measures necessary to prohibit their fishing vessels from retaining ... vessels under charter arrangements to the CCM from retaining on board, transshipping, storing on a fishing ... retaining on board, transshipping, storing on a fishing vessel, or landing any silky shark caught in the ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 12 Sep 2018 - 6:08pm

  5. WPEA OFM Project Document

    conserve and manage fisheries for highly migratory fish stocks. This will be achieved by enhancing national ... Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean which is to effectively ... manage, support long term conservation and sustainably use shared highly migratory oceanic fish stocks of ...

    EightyOptions - 27 Aug 2009 - 1:09pm

  6. Report of the First Eastern Indonesia Tuna Fishery Data Collection Workshop (EITFDC-1), 30-31 January 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia.

    services, the fishing port data are more accurate. The fishing port also records vessel activity, such as ... vessels could perhaps be collected by the buyers of their fish. Capacity development It was stated that ... interviews with companies, vessel owners, skippers, crew and fish sellers; interviews with fishing ...

    EightyOptions - 6 Dec 2011 - 11:08pm

  7. rev 1_MS Excel export of full draft CMR covering 2013 activities with "traffic light summary"

    records and information from WCPFC databases,-          notes on updated information and advice from SPC, ... which demonstrates that no Australian vessels fished north of the equator. No issues detected 0 0 Belize ... region during the first six months of 2014 by Belize flagged fishing vessels. Additionally, there were no ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 7 Oct 2014 - 9:08pm

  8. Table of observer minimum standard data fields including FAD data fields

    INFORMATION AND DATA VESSEL ATTRIBUTES Vessel fish hold capacity Record in metric tonnes the total capacity of ... the fish holds of the vessel. GEAR ATTRIBUTES Automatic poling devices Record the number of automatic ... vessel leaves the port to start its fishing campaign. I.e. pulls up its anchor, or throws the ropes free ...

    EightyOptions - 12 Jun 2013 - 3:19pm

  9. Conservation and Management Measure for the Regional Observer Programme

    used to hold, process, weigh, and store fish. b) Full access to the vessel’s records including its logs ... ROP shall apply to the following categories of fishing vessels authorized to fish in the Convention ... fishing exclusively on the high seas in the Convention Area, and ii) vessels fishing on the high seas and ...

    EightyOptions - 31 Aug 2021 - 9:19am

  10. WCPFC Shark Research Plan (2010)

    Logsheet Data WCPO distant water fishing vessels which do not operate under bi-lateral or multi-lateral ... databases as being the world's leading shark fishing nations (FishStat 2010). There is no information ... hooks for Japanese research and training vessel cruises recording blue, silky and bigeye thresher shark ...

    Shelley Clarke - 12 Aug 2014 - 1:18pm


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