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  1. Conservation and Management Measure for Vessels without Nationality

    that fishing vessels without nationality operate without governance and oversight; Concerned that the ... operations of fishing vessels without nationality undermine the objectives of the Convention and the work of ... consistent with international law in relation to fishing vessels without nationality involved in IUU fishing ...

    EightyOptions - 9 Feb 2010 - 2:11pm

  2. Summary from Part 2 CMM 2013-07 paragraph 19 annual reports

    be ready to be placed on board fishing vessels under the regional observer program. Furthermore, we ... Tuna-Fisheries Related Businesses and Market Access We have assisted SIDS in building fishing vessels over the ... regional level, response options, such as open registers of fishing vessels and an international high seas ...

    Ana Taholo - 19 Sep 2014 - 8:11pm

  3. El Salvador FAD Management Plan

    floating natural logs to act as FADs. Vessels from El Salvador have been fishing during years with FADs but ... Tecla. Monitoring FADs Vessels must record monitoring information for each FAD that has a satellite ... Commission. Closures on fishing with FADs Salvadorian Vessel fishing in the WCPFC Area are obligated to comply ...

    EightyOptions - 21 Aug 2013 - 11:22am

  4. Draft WCPFC BigEye Tuna statistical document programme

    subject to administrative or other sanction. 5. The import of fish parts other than the meat, i.e., head, ... STATISTICAL DOCUMENT EXPORT SECTION 1.FLAG OF COUNTRY/ENTITY/FISHING ENTITY 2.DESCRIPTION OF VESSEL AND ... REGISTRATION NUMBER (if applicable) Vessel Name Registration Number LOA (m) WCPFC Record No. (if applicable) ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  5. United States of America Notification

    Under such circumstances, a Contracting Party should refrain from boarding fishing vessels of a Fishing ... Boarding & Inspection / Notifications para 6_fishing entities US Notification to WCPFC on Boarding and ... Procedures on a reciprocal basis as between the United States and the Fishing Entity of Chinese Taipei. In so ...

    EightyOptions - 10 Aug 2015 - 2:12pm

  6. DRAFT Final Compliance Monitoring Report

    the Record of Fishing Vessels, observer, VMS coverage, transshipment and the High Seas Boarding and ... a dramatic increase in the number of fishing vessels of certain CCMs actively fishing for South Pacific ... and restrictions on the use of fish aggregating devices; (v) authorizations to fish and the Record of ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 11 Dec 2018 - 7:13pm

  7. Inspection Register France

    vessel will be allowed to control fisheries activities, fishing vessels and to establish infringements to ... competent if a French Polynesian fishing vessel should be in infrigment in another EEZ or in international ... waters but, in case of an infrigment of a foreign fishing vessel inside French Polynesian EEZ or in high ...

    EightyOptions - 10 Jun 2010 - 2:26pm

  8. Operational Catch and Effort Data

    days fished by pole and line vessels and trollers) shall be provided to the Commission, in accordance ... number and call sign for vessels that have fished and that intend to fish only in the waters of national ... have been recorded, then the total weight or average weight of fish caught per set, by species, should ...

    EightyOptions - 30 Mar 2009 - 4:18pm

  9. Southern Hemisphere porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) stock status assessment (Rev 1)

    inhabits what is effectively a refuge from fishing south of 45oS. The risk assessment modelling results ... population's ability to withstand fishing pressure is exceeded, rather than evaluating biomass and whether the ... inputs would have allowed for robust estimation. The risk assessment model estimated that fishing ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 15 Aug 2017 - 4:10pm


    fisheries resources and FMA • Production by species, province and FMA • Fishing vessel by size and FMA ... registered fishing vessels from base data for each districts/towns that constitute the FMA. The assumption is ... that registered fishing vessels operate around the coastal area of its district/town. There is ...

    EightyOptions - 1 Aug 2012 - 3:06pm


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