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  1. Updated workplan on Harvest Strategies 2016- 2019 and record of outcomes from WCPFC13

    Symbol:  suppl_CMM 2014-06 Date of Issue:  Friday, December 9, 2016 Download (240.6 KB) Folder:  WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 18 Jan 2018 - 11:42am

  2. Information pertaining to Shark Finning

    on purse seine vessels fishing in waters between 20oN and 20oS. Most of these data are considered to ... be part of the WCPFC’s Regional Observer Programme (ROP) dataset, but purse seine vessels fishing ... declarations submitted by fishing and carrier vessels. Systems which will provide for further cross- checks ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 5:15pm

  3. WCPO Purse Seine BET Management Workshop II (Majuro) report for TCC11- WCPFC-TCC11-2015-IP11

    purse seine and lo ngline fishing indust ries, govern ment officials of Pacific Island coun tries, and ... reducing bigeye fishing mortal ity in W C PO tuna fisheries at the 12th session of the W CP FC scheduled ... options to address the over fished status of big eye in the W estern and C entral Paci fic Ocean. ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 24 Nov 2015 - 11:38pm

  4. CHINA

    numbers of fish and weight. 10 The purse-seine catch/effort data are not stratified by school association ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 3 Jul 2013 - 1:22pm


    2 ENTITY GEAR DATA TYPE FROM TO STATUS INDONESIA Handline (large-fish) Annual catch estimates 1984 1999 ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 3 Jul 2013 - 1:29pm


    rather than both numbers of fish and weight. 21 Aggregate data were not provided by the flag state, or ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 3 Jul 2013 - 1:35pm

  7. Operational Factors Analysis for Sharks (I)(2013)

    set) level database of species level observed catch, effort, operational (fishing method) and ... sources: • SPC regional observer database: catch, effort and operational/fishing method data that included ... PIROP observer database (provided by US): The catch, effort and fishing method data provided was ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:58pm

  8. Chinese Questionnaire (provided by the PRC)

    VHF-FM----OVER.______(a)_______船____(b)_______,这是_______(c)_______在16VHF-FM呼叫你----完 毕。 (a) FISHING, CARRIER, or BUNKER 渔船、运输船或加油船 (b) FISHING, CARRIER, or BUNKER VESSEL’S NAME 船名 (c) ... 巡逻船(美国海岸警备队巡逻船、澳大利亚巡逻船等)。 2. REQUEST YOU SWITCH YOUR COMMUNICATIONS TO CHANNEL____. 要求你将通讯频道放在____。 3. FISHING VESSEL ... ONBOARD? IF FISH, WHAT TYPE? 你船上有多少_____(a-c)_______?如果是鱼,是什么类型? a. FISH (Fishing Vessel) 鱼(渔船) b. FISH ...

    EightyOptions - 10 Aug 2015 - 2:34pm

  9. Japanese Questionnaire

    16チャンネル/2182KHZ(HF)を通じて呼びか けています。 (a) FISHING, CARRIER, or BUNKER (a)漁船、運搬船、燃料船 (b) FISHING, CARRIER, or BUNKER VESSEL’S NAME ... FISHING VESSEL (NAME), THIS IS PATROL VESSEL (NAME)--- WE ARE HERE ON BEHALF OF THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL ... , WHAT TYPE? 8. どのくらいの(a-c)を所持していますか?魚の場合、魚種は何ですか? a. FISH (Fishing Vessel) a. 魚(漁船の場合) b. FISH and/or ...

    EightyOptions - 10 Aug 2015 - 2:29pm

  10. Chinese Questionnaire (provided by Chinese Taipei)

    漁船類型(漁船,運搬船,或加油船)。 (b) FISHING, CARRIER, or BUNKER VESSEL’S NAME (b) 船名。 (c) PATROL VESSEL (United States Coast Guard ... COMMUNICATIONS TO CHANNEL____. 2. 請您將通訊頻道轉至_________頻道。 3. FISHING VESSEL (NAME), THIS IS PATROL VESSEL (NAME)--- ... , WHAT TYPE? 8. 您船上的_____(a-c)_______量有多少? 若為漁獲,請問種類為何? a. FISH (Fishing Vessel) a. 漁獲 (漁船) b. FISH ...

    EightyOptions - 10 Aug 2015 - 2:35pm


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