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  1. Progress on the Shark Research Plan (2014)

    Sharks / Sharks- science docs EB-WP-04 shark research plan.pdf Microsoft Word- SC10-EB-WP-04 shark ... WCPFC‐SC10‐2014/EB‐WP‐04              SPC‐OFP    Secretariat of the Pacific Community – Oceanic Fisheries Programme  2  ...  bycatch of oceanic whitetip and silky sharks from longline  fisheries. WCPFC‐SC9‐EB‐WP‐02.  Rice, J. 2013. Catch per unit effort of silky sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. WCPFC‐SC ...

    Shelley Clarke - 12 Aug 2014 - 1:13pm

  2. Considering Uncertainty When Testing and Monitoring WCPFC Harvest Strategies

    Symbol:  SC15-MI-WP-06 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 Download (2.18 MB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-WP-06 HS Uncertainties.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2020 - 12:15am

  3. Overview of recent developments and key decisions for harvest strategies for WCPFC stocks and fisheries (24July)- Rev.01

    WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC16-MI-WP-03 MSE_harvest strategy update Rev1.pdf ... Symbol:  SC16-MI-WP-03 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 7, 2020 Download (452.54 KB) Folder:  ...

    SungKwon Soh - 7 Dec 2020 - 3:13pm

  4. 2016 CMS-related meeting papers, relevant circulars and reports

    SC12.pdf WCPFC-TCC12-2016-IP04 Updated Scientific Data Gaps paper_SC12-ST_WP-01_rev1.pdf ... 2016.pdf WCPFC Circular 2016-14 Launch of Compliance Case File system.PDF WCPFC Circular 2016-42 dCMR_0.pdf ... Investigation Status for dCMR.pdf WCPFC-TCC12-2016-11 Independent Review of the CMS.pdf WCPFC ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 15 May 2017 - 12:18pm

  5. Minimum Target Reference Points for WCPO yellowfin and bigeye tuna consistent with alternative LRP risk levels, and multispecies implications

    WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-WP-01 TRPs for BET and YFT FINAL.pdf ... Symbol:  SC15-MI-WP-01 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 Download (772.81 KB) Folder:  ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2019 - 6:19pm

  6. Alternative trajectories to achieve the South Pacific albacore interim TRP

    Symbol:  SC15-MI-WP-02 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 Download (724 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-WP-02 SPA TRP trajectories FINAL REV1.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2019 - 6:22pm

  7. Performance indicators for comparing management procedures for South Pacific albacore using the MSE modelling framework

    WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-WP-03 Performance_indicators_albacore_final.pdf ... Symbol:  SC15-MI-WP-03 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 Download (573.44 KB) Folder:  ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2019 - 6:24pm

  8. Mixed fishery and multi-species issues in harvest strategy evaluations

    Symbol:  SC15-MI-WP-04 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 Download (507.5 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-WP-04 Mixed_fishery issues.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2020 - 12:15am

  9. Results of Initial Evaluations of Management Procedures for Skipjack

    WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-WP-05 skj_results_FINAL.pdf ... Symbol:  SC15-MI-WP-05 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 Download (967.39 KB) Folder:  ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2020 - 12:15am

  10. CPUE analysis for South Pacific albacore

    Symbol:  SC15-MI-WP-07 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 2, 2019 Download (1.32 MB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-WP-07 MSE_CPUE_albacore.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 2 Dec 2020 - 12:15am


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