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  1. Compliance Monitoring Report (covering 2015)

    Report (for 2015 activities) Compliance or Implementation Status CMM/Data Provision Compliant ... 2015).pdf 2016 FINAL COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT (COVERING 2015 ACTIVITIES) Executive Summary I. ... their dCMR responses and/or in the WCPFC compliance case file system, while other CCMs provided more ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 5:14pm

  2. Deadline for comments on the draft ERandEMWG4 Report

    4 Summary Report for participants comments has been posted in word and pdf version to the ERandEMWG4 website ...  Please refer to the pdf version to view the Report Attachments.  Participants with comments on the ... draft ERandEMWG4 Summary Report are requested submit them to the Compliance Manager no later ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  3. Table of ROP minimum standard data fields 2016

    Procedures and Regulations Table-ROP-minimum standard data fields- 2016 update.pdf WCPFC ROP Minimum Standard ... Data Fields. The format of how the WCPFC ROP Minimum Standard Data Fields will be presented for ... (Refer Para 571/573 WCPFC12 Summary Report)" Observer Start date of Trip Date observer starts their ...

    EightyOptions - 19 Dec 2018 - 5:33pm

  4. Standards, specifications and procedures for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Record of Fishing Vessels

    Management Measure on Standards, Specifications and Procedures for the WCPFC RFV.pdf RFV SSPs revised as ... vessel record data to the WCPFC Secretariat via one of the following modes:2 a. Electronic transmission: ... Submittal via email or other electronic means of electronic data files that meet the electronic formatting ...

    Ana Taholo - 20 Sep 2015 - 9:13pm

  5. Shark Research Plan 2016-2020 (2015)

    numbers (more than 100) reported and observed for 2010-2014. Based on WCPFC/SPC data holdings (i.e., ... longline catch and effort data for all WCPFC CCMs pooled. Generic shark = reporting to the generic shark ... carried out in 2015, and included that the SSP draft a new SRP for consideration by SC11 to cover work in ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:35pm

  6. Whale Shark Mitigation (2015)

    compared to observer data, flag State-reported interactions for 2014 exceed the currently available ... interactions-%2818-Jan-2012%29.pdf WCPFC (Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission). 2014. ... each year under CMM 2012-04 (WCPFC 2014b). This year for the first time there are also data on whale ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:38pm

  7. 2015 CMS-related meeting papers, relevant circulars and reports

    to the Commission report.pdf WCPFC-TCC11-2015-IP05_rev1 ROP data management.pdf WCPFC-TCC11-2015 ... Circular 2015-45 Advise availability of draft CMRs for relevant CC_with attachment.pdf WCPFC Circular ... activities as agreed by WCPFC11.pdf WCPFC-TCC11-2015-IP03 Issues for TCC11.pdf WCPFC-TCC11-2015-IP04 Sci data ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 15 May 2017 - 12:15pm

  8. 2015 Provisional CMR Executive Summary covering 2014 activities- agreed by TCC11 rev1

    Executive Summary_as agreed by TCC11 rev1.pdf 1 2015 PROVISIONAL COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT (COVERING 2014 ... Monitoring Report (draft CMR) for 36 CCMs in a closed working group session. The draft CMR is classified as ... scoring system adopted by WCPFC11 assisted in evaluating the compliance of CCMs for the provision of ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 23 Nov 2016 - 12:02am

  9. draft 2- revised CMR Executive Summary covering 2014 activities

    TCC- final draft_rev2.pdf WCPFC12-2015-19b Summary Report of TCC Special Session (2015) Attachment B: ... Futuna, and Samoa. WCPFC12-2015-19b Summary Report of TCC Special Session (2015) Attachment B: DRAFT ... Indonesia WCPFC12-2015-19b Summary Report of TCC Special Session (2015) Attachment B: DRAFT_rev2 as at 1 Dec ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 1 Dec 2015 - 10:24pm

  10. FAD MgmtWG Reference Papers 2- Preliminary analysis of the Regional Observer Programme data on FAD design

    standard protocols for data collection, including a set of forms aimed at gathering the information deemed ... regional standard observer data collection forms used by the national and regional observer programmes ... DCC/PIRFO observer data collection forms and the WCPFC ROP minimum data fields. One of the DCC/PIRFO forms, ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Apr 2015 - 3:27pm


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