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  1. Comparing Electronic Monitoring and human observer collected fishery data in the tropical tuna purse seine operating in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

    background papers SC16-ST-IP-09 Comparing Electronic Monitoring and human observer collected fishery data.pdf ... Panizza, M. Wichman, G. Moreno, V. Restrepo Symbol:  WCPFC-SC16-2020-ST-IP-09 Date of Issue:  Friday, July ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 3 Feb 2022 - 3:24pm

  2. North Pacific Blue Shark Stock Assessment using BSP (2014)

    Marshall Islands 6-14 August 2014 Stock Assessment and Future Projections of Blue Shark in the North ... STOCK ASSESSMENT AND FUTURE PROJECTIONS OF BLUE SHARK IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN DRAFT REPORT OF THE ... assessment approaches to examine the status of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Pacific Ocean: ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:30pm

  3. FAD Design Review (SC11 paper ST-IP-09)

    MB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / FAD Management Options Working Group SC10-ST-IP-09 FAD ... Symbol:  WCPFC-2015-FADMgmtWG-RefPaper-15 Date of Issue:  Thursday, August 6, 2015 Download (1.24 ... Design Review.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 6 Oct 2015 - 11:53am

  4. Philippines AR Pt 2 response to compliance issues in Prov CMR 2012

    which has one of its aim to improve data collection in Philippines fisheries. 2004 Philippine PS ... complying with WCPFC VMS requirements when operating in the high seas of the Convention Area. Philippine: We ... fished and 439 vessels did not fish. WCPFC VMS detected 34 Philippine vessels on the high seas in 2011) ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 13 Sep 2014 - 12:01am

  5. 1st Draft Consolidated Text for the Conservation and Management Measures for Sharks (for review by SC14)

    for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific ... if the animal is sighted prior to the commencement of the set. (2) For fishing activities in Parties ... Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (1) above, for fishing activities in exclusive economic zones of CCMs north of 30 N, ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Jan 2019 - 11:21am

  6. Bycatch Estimates

    confidence limits (specified in cell B26 of each tab). Bycatch Estimates (XLSX)- Tables 6-9, SC17-ST-IP ... This page makes available an Excel file providing purse seine bycatch estimates from SC17-ST-IP ... estimation approach, can be found in SC17-ST-IP-06 (hyperlink provided below). Rows 4 to 22 reproduce the ...

    Emmanuel Schneiter - 24 Aug 2022 - 12:15am

  7. WCPFC Shark Research Plan (2010)

    vessels fishing exclusively in one EEZ). Under CMM 2007-01, required levels of ROP observer coverage in ... quantitative stock assessments for sharks and recommended that preliminary assessments should proceed in ... gaps are summarised. Major difficulties in the use of logsheet data for shark assessment are ...

    Shelley Clarke - 12 Aug 2014 - 1:18pm

  8. Vessel Monitoring System

    (SSPs) for the fishing vessel monitoring system (VMS) of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries ... power of engine expressed in kilowatts/horsepower, types of fishing gear(s) used as well well as the ... VMS in the area north of 20N and west of 175E by 31 December 2013. (WCPFC9 Summary Report, paragraph ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Feb 2024 - 8:47am

  9. Excel export of 2016 fCMR covering 2015 activities

    N/A NOT APPLICABLE No Australian vessels fished north of the equator in the reporting period, ... vessels did not fish North of the equator in 2015. (AR Pt1 2015, pg15) No issues detected FALSE FALSE Not ... = 53282 Comment on Actual Value = AR Pt 1 2015 App Table 3 (pg 34)- total of alb effort in days fished in ...

    Ana Taholo - 16 Jun 2017 - 11:30am

  10. Report of the Third Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Indonesia and Philippines Data Collection Project, 4-8 August 2006, Manila, Philippines

    IPDCP.2006.08.Steering_Committee_3.pdf REPORT OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE INDONESIA AND PHILIPPINES DATA COLLECTION STEERING COMMITTEE ... 4 and 8 August 2006, in Manila Philippines, during the second regular session of the Scientific ... Indonesia will consist primarily of port sampling; however, in contrast to the Philippines, where a port ...

    EightyOptions - 3 Apr 2009 - 3:24am


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