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  1. A template for submitting WCPFC Annual Catch Estimates (ACE)

    (SSP) into the WCPFC Annual Catch Estimates (ACE) database.  A review of the data provided during the ... increases the possibility of errors when re-entering the ACE into the WCPFC databases. In order to improve ... the efficiency and data quality control of loading the ACE data into the WCPFC databases, please find ...

    Emmanuel Schneiter - 24 Jul 2024 - 4:18pm

  2. Response by Chinese Taipei to Fact Sheet presented by Japan

    program, weekly and trip catch reporting. Any vessel applying fishing permits to fish in the South Pacific ... standing, the vessel will not be permitted to fish in the EEZ of any member of FFA. By fishing only on the ... vessels. Our current fisheries policy still maintains that the number of purse seine fishing vessel shall ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  3. Protecting Pacific Tuna Stocks

    fishing vessels so that fishing operations can be monitored, and refine and further develop draft ... operational in the WCPO in 2008. The TCC meeting will prepare a provisional list of fishing vessels alleged to ... 2007/08 and review the current IUU Vessel List comprising three fishing vessels. Given that one of the ...

    EightyOptions - 4 Apr 2009 - 6:38am

  4. North Pacific Blue Shark Stock Assessment using SS3 (2014)

    the  WG held in the USA and Japan. Catches were extracted from databases of landings, vessel ... Insufficient information to estimate initial depletion: approaches at estimating initial  fishing mortality or  catches proved  to be unsuccessful  and  therefore  there  is not  ... age‐class  being  defined as a “plus group”, i.e. all fish of the ...

    Shelley Clarke - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:33pm

  5. Report of the second meeeting of the Scientific Coordinationg Group (SCG2

    FISH STOCKS IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PACIFIC Fifth session WCPFC/PrepCon/28 Rarotonga, Cook Islands ... and the stock is not in an over-fished state (Bt/BMSY > 1) owing to recent high levels of ... yellowfin stock in the WCPO is presently not being over-fished (Ft/FMSY < 1) and the stock is not in an ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:16am

  6. Tuna Headquarters opens while representatives of 33 member countries visit Pohnpei

    of fishing vessels, and considered action that might be taken against fishing vessels alleged to have ... fishing vessel monitoring system (VMS) for the region’s high seas, due to be activated on 1 January 2008. ... undertaken illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing activities in the region. In pursuit of its goal ...

    EightyOptions - 4 Apr 2009 - 6:39am

  7. Arrangements for Future Preparatory Conferences, 11 April 2001 (New Zealand)

    CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGHLY MIGRATORY FISH STOCKS IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PACIFIC First session ... of the Commission. At that stage the property and records of the Preparatory Conference are to be ... country participants are also Pacific Island members of the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), it is suggested ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  8. Paper on Participation of Territories, 26 April 2001 (New Zealand)

    CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGHLY MIGRATORY FISH STOCKS IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PACIFIC First session ... Contracting Parties in separate rules of procedure of the Commission, taking into account international law, ... the performance of its functions and in taking decisions. Principles for developing Rules of Procedure ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  9. Cook Islands additional information for draft CMR covering 2012 activities

    observer coverage was achieved on all fishing vessels licenced by the Cook Islands. AR Pt 2: All Cook ... SPC.   AR Pt 1 2013 page 9: Eighteen Cook Islands flagged vessels were active and authorised to fish ... within the Convention Area in 2012. Among these, two domestically based vessels were authorised to fish ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 23 Sep 2013 - 1:41pm

  10. Conservation and Management Measure to Prohibit the use of Large Scale Driftnets on the High Seas in the Convention Area

    a number of vessels continue to engage in large-scale high seas driftnet fishing in the North Pacific ... Mindful that any vessel fishing with large-scale driftnets on the high seas in the Convention Area, or ... measures necessary to prohibit their fishing vessels from using large-scale driftnets while on the high ...

    EightyOptions - 7 Jul 2009 - 3:12pm


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