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  1. Report release: new findings on sustainability status for Pacific Bigeye Thresher Shark

    longline fishing compared with most other pelagic sharks. The bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus) ... has the widest distribution and the greatest number of available catch records from the Pacific, but ... is likely to be the most vulnerable of the three thresher species to fishing pressure.  Illustration: ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 8 Feb 2017 - 2:38pm

  2. Vessel Tracking Agreement Form (VTAF)

    Regulations WCPFC Vessel Tracking Agreement Form-ver2_7 Mar 2017.pdf WCPFC Vessel Tracking Agreement ... Form-ver2_7 Mar 2017.docx WCPFC Vessel Tracking Agreement Form-ver2_7 Mar 2017.xlsx ...

    EightyOptions - 7 Apr 2017 - 2:33pm

  3. European Union Fisheries Monitoring Centre Details

    Fishing Vessels and Licences Unit Name: D-4 Integrated Fisheries Data Management Adresse: ... 5185 Fax: (+351) 213 02 5188 E-mail: Contact EUROPEAN COMISSION Record of ...

    EightyOptions - 15 Nov 2014 - 12:01am

  4. Submission by the Delegation of Japan

    gross tonnage (GT) of fishing vessels increased by 68% from 123,116 GT in 1996 to 206,752 GT in 2003. ... OF HIGHLY MIGRATORY FISH STOCKS IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PACIFIC Fifth session WCPFC ... to 197 in March 2003. The total gross tonnage (GT) of fishing vessels increased by 68% from 123,116 ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  5. New USA Patrol Vessels USCGC BERTHOLF and USCGC WAESCHE Ltr

    Boarding & Inspection US WCPFC HSBI additional vessels 12APR11.pdf ...

    EightyOptions - 13 Apr 2011 - 11:41am

  6. cover letter for updated list of USA inspection vessels (CMM 2006-08)

    Boarding & Inspection WCPFC-High-Seas-Boarding-and-Inspection-Vessel-Registry-Request.pdf ...

    EightyOptions - 30 Jul 2012 - 11:15am

  7. Conservation and Management for Swordfish

    exercise restraint through limiting the number of their fishing vessels for swordfish in the Convention ... limiting the amount of swordfish caught by fishing vessels flagged to them in the Convention Area south of ... number of vessels that fished for swordfish and the total catch of swordfish for the following: a. ...

    EightyOptions - 19 Feb 2010 - 1:34pm

  8. Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin

    measures necessary to ensure that total fishing effort by their vessels fishing for Pacific bluefin tuna in ... fishing vessels engage in fishing for Pacific bluefin tuna and request them to take equivalent measures in ... fishing vessels owned or operated by interests outside such developing coastal State, particularly Small ...

    EightyOptions - 13 Feb 2014 - 4:23pm

  9. Southern Hemisphere Porbeagle Shark Stock Status Assessment (Terms of Reference)- Call for Expressions of Interest

    Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPFC). The Commission ... The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and ... fisheries management organizations to be established since the 1995 adoption of the United Nations Fish ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 19 May 2015 - 5:28pm

  10. Conservation and Management Measure for South Pacific Albacore

    their fishing vessels actively fishing for South Pacific albacore in the Convention Area south of 20°S ... vessels actively fishing for South Pacific albacore in the Convention area south of 20°S. Initially this ... Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean In ...

    EightyOptions - 8 Feb 2016 - 4:58pm


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