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  1. Letter to WCPFC ED from Tonga regarding Provisional IUU list

    to related to Provisional IUU Vessel List Cases B WCPFC12-2015-10_Att Case B 1 December 2015 ... Symbol:  WCPFC12-2015-10 Att Case B Date of Issue:  Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Download (557.46 KB) ... WCPFC12-2015-11 Att Case B.pdf TWELFTH REGULAR SESSION Bali, Indonesia 3- 8 December 2015 Additional Information ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 2 Dec 2015 - 3:29pm

  2. Conservation and Management Measure on Compliance Monitoring Scheme

    authorizations to fish and the Record of Fishing Vessels, observer, VMS coverage, and the High Seas Boarding and ... nationals, and fishing vessels owned or controlled by their nationals, comply with the provisions of this ... measures to ensure that fishing vessels flying their flag comply with the provisions of the Convention and ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Feb 2021 - 9:48am

  3. IWG-ROP4 and ERandEMWG1 meetings held 6 – 10 July 2015

    Coordinators, Fishery Managers and IT/database specialists attended the two meetings, representing WCPFC Members ... 13 Jul 2015- 16:38 The first set of meetings of the Commission since the WCPFC Executive Director, ... form of two intersessional working group meetings.  Around 60 WCPFC Commissioners, Observer Programme ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 21 Apr 2023 - 9:51am

  4. Philippines AR Pt 2 response to compliance issues in Prov CMR 2012

    fished and 439 vessels did not fish. WCPFC VMS detected 34 Philippine vessels on the high seas in 2011) ... indicates there were at sea transshipment activities by Philippine flagged longline vessels in 2011 (WCPFC ... thus there is not need for these fishing vessels to have observers on board to monitor transshipment at ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 13 Sep 2014 - 12:01am

  5. Decision of the Preparatory Conference relating to participation in the work of the Conference.

    responsible fishing practices, including effective exercise of responsibility for its vessels and nationals ... Symbol:  WCPFC/PrepCon/12 Date of Issue:  Monday, February 25, 2002 Download (77.51 KB) Download ... WCPFC_PrepCon_12.pdf WCPFC_PrepCon_12.doc WCPFC/PrepCon/12 Preparatory Conference for the COMMISSION FOR THE ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:16am

  6. WCPFC Members and Observers

    WCPFC has adopted the acronym CCM to refer to Members, Participating Territories and Cooperating ... Organisation Accountability.Fish Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL) American Tunaboat Association (ATA) ... Island Institute Earthjustice Europêche Global Fishing Watch (GFW) Global Law Alliance The Global Tuna ...

    Tim Jones - 16 Sep 2024 - 11:05am

  7. Conservation and Management Measure for Compliance Monitoring Scheme

    aggregating devices; (v) authorizations to fish and the Record of Fishing Vessels, observer, VMS coverage, and ... ensure that their nationals, and fishing vessels owned or controlled by their nationals, comply with the ... take the necessary measures to ensure that fishing vessels flying their flag comply with the provisions ...

    Ana Taholo - 17 Feb 2021 - 9:47am

  8. photos for USA inspection vessels (CMM 2006-08)

    Boarding & Inspection USA-WCPFC-HSBI-Request-Vessel-Picutures-Enclosure-1.pdf United States Inspection ... Vessels for WCPFC Boarding and Inspection Activities United States Inspection Vessels for WCPFC Boarding ...

    EightyOptions - 30 Jul 2012 - 11:21am

  9. Assistant Science Manager. Anthony Beeching arrives at WCPFC

    (Cefas). Outside work Tony enjoys weight training, cycling, hiking, diving and fishing and wants to take up ...

    EightyOptions - 7 Jul 2011 - 4:37pm

  10. US advise of addtional 25 vessel to the Inspection Register

    Boarding & Inspection US advise of addtiional 25 new vessels to HSBI register on 12 Mar 2015.pdf WCPFC ... High Seas Boarding and Inspection Register Submission Date – 12MARCH2015 Details of Vessels – As ... Vessel Hull Phone # Fax # Inmarsat # Email Address Length Meters/ Feet Hull Material 77 ALAN SHEPARD US ...

    Ana Taholo - 15 Mar 2015 - 2:24pm


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