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  1. Conservation and Management Measures for Sharks

    for Sharks.pdf CMM on Sharks- 2014 1 COMMISSION ELEVENTH REGULAR SESSION Faleata Sports Complex, Apia, ... SAMOA 1- 5 December 2014 CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE FOR SHARKS Conservation and Management ... Measure 2014-05 The Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 2 Nov 2020 - 9:37am

  2. draft CMR as @ 12 Sept 2017

    (ave 2002-04) (WCPFC CA). NC11 report Att D: the troll fishery is considered "fishing for NP ... Limit Comment = NC8 report Att D: Ave 2002-04 1072 days for longline DW in WCPFC NPO (13 vessels) ... = Source NC8 report Att D (ave 2002-04 for NPO) NC8 report Att D: the "albacore LL" fishery is ...

    Ana Taholo - 12 Sep 2017 - 5:54pm

  3. Relations with Other Organisations

    31 Jul 2011 Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Symbol Title Files ... Aug 2009 WCPFC CCAMLR Agreement (signed on 10March2013) (248.69 KB) 25 Jul 2014 Commission for the ... CCSBT and WPCFC (1.04 MB) 5 Jun 2017 Agreement for the Conservation of Albatross and Petrels (ACAP) ...

    EightyOptions - 24 Jul 2021 - 12:45am

  4. MS Excel export of provisional CMR with additional information post TCC13 and requests for change of score

    = Source NC8 report Att D (ave 2002-04 for NPO) NC8 report Att D: the "albacore LL" fishery is ... Value = 24994 Limit Comment = Source: NC8 report Att D (ave 2002-04, for troll fisheries) for North ... Limit Comment = Source; Att D NC11 report (ave 2002-04) (WCPFC CA). NC11 report Att D: the troll fishery ...

    Ana Taholo - 15 Nov 2018 - 1:15am

  5. Shark Indicators (II) (2015)

    for key shark species of the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission WCPFC-SC11-2015/EB-WP-04 ... well reported. Where possible we have included observer data for 2014, but note that these data are ... Symbol:  SC11-EB-WP-04 Date of Issue:  Thursday, July 23, 2015 Download (7.2 MB) Folder:  Sharks ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:41pm

  6. Progress on the Shark Research Plan (2014)

    6-14 August 2014   A report on the activities completed for ...  effort in the North Pacific Ocean based on SPC  held longline observer data for use as an index of abundance. ISC/14/SHARKWG‐1/04.  Rice,  J., Harley,  S., Kai, M. 2014.  Stock assessment of blue  shark  in  ... Symbol:  SC10-EB-WP-04 Date of Issue:  Saturday, July 19, 2014 Download (324.26 KB) Folder:  ...

    Shelley Clarke - 12 Aug 2014 - 1:13pm

  7. Launch of the New Online Compliance Case File System and Other Annual Reporting Updates

    Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) / Compliance Monitoring / Reports on CMS including enhancements ... of AR Pt 2 and upgraded CCFS online. 23 March 2022.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 May 2022 - 12:20pm

  8. Deadline for nominations of CCM representatives to participate in Informal Small Working Group to review the remuneration system for professional staff and the ED (IWG-REM)- refer Circular 2021/01

    Maru (Cook Islands).   The relevant paragraph from the FAC14 Summary Report is"- "19. Cook ... ends. The outcomes of the SWG will be reported in FAC15. "   ... Islands updated the FAC that the small working group (SWG) was not established due to their need to ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  9. 2012 CMS-related meeting papers, relevant circulars and reports

    .zip TCC8-report-final-edited.pdf WCPFC Circular 2012-35 AR Template Part 2 for 2012_CMRwork_Transhipment_with attachment.pdf WCPFC ... WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-15-TCC8-Recommendations-and-TCC-Workplan-and-Budget-2013-2015.pdf WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-16-IMS-and-WCPFC-website-proposed-enhancements-and-budget-2013-15.pdf ... WCPFC9-Summary-Report-final.pdf WCPFC-2012-DP34-Japans-DP-revised-CCM-CMS.pdf WCPFC-TCC8-2012-07 proposed process for developing ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 15 May 2017 - 12:08pm

  10. Shark Research Plan 2016-2020 (2015)

    numbers (more than 100) reported and observed for 2010-2014. Based on WCPFC/SPC data holdings (i.e., ... that reported no shark catch this category will include real zeros and non-reporting. Data for 2014 are ... 01_Research_Plan_to_determine_status_of_Key_Shark_Species.pdf Clarke, S.C. and S. Hoyle. 2014. Development of Limit Reference Points for Elasmobranchs. ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:35pm


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