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  1. WPEA-SM Project Document

    RFMO Regional Fisheries Management Organization RFV Register of Fishing Vessels RIMF Research Institute ... 7 Philippine flag vessels fishing outside Philippines waters now take larger catches than the domestic fishery. ... Measure to prohibiting the use of large-scale drift nets on the high seas CMM 2009-01 Record of fishing ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 26 Jul 2016 - 12:02am

  2. Background paper on possible components for regional vessel and gear marking systems

    maintain a record of fishing vessels authorised to fish in the Convention area beyond its national ... on a regional vessel and a fishing gear marking system are presented herein with the objective of ... with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas (Compliance ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:04am

  3. WPEA-SM Inception Workshop Report

    SST and eventually make this available to fishing vessels) (to be confirmed) 10,000 Convene a regional ... using satellite technology such as SST and eventually make this available to fishing vessels); 10,000 ...   Sustainable Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the West Pacific and East Asian Seas (WPEA SM ...

    SungKwon Soh - 27 Jul 2016 - 12:02am

  4. United States of America FAD Management Plan

    high seas, this plan includes all areas where U.S. purse seine vessels are authorized to fish within ... Treaty. Figure 1.Number of U.S.-flagged purse seine vessels licensed, vessels fished and maximum treaty ... U.S.-flagged purse seine vessels licensed, vessels fished and maximum treaty licenses (other than joint-venture ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 21 Aug 2013 - 11:24am

  5. Information Paper on Fish Laundering Activities.

    6 – 7 December 2004 INFORMATION PAPER ON FISH LAUNDERING ACTIVITIES BY LARGE-SCALE TUNA LONGLINE VESSELS ... authority false information on fishing areas (e.g. eastern Pacific--> western central Pacific), vessels ... large amount of bigeye, despite there was no import record of those vessels in previous years ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  6. Options for VMS cooperation among the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation and the Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

    Vessels and Authorization to Fish” PREPARATORY CONFERENCE FOR THE COMMISSION FOR THE CONSERVATION AND ... of monitoring and control of licensed vessels and the necessity to fight IUU fishing, such tool must ... being used by fishing vessels operating in the Convention area, PrepCon members and other States. These ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  7. Notification that China will apply both IATTC and WCPFC rules in overlap area, including VMS and HSBI, but catch is to be attributed to WCPFC

    / MCS / Special Management Areas / IATTC Overlap Area Chinas Tuna Vessels Management in the Overlapping ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Nov 2022 - 1:59pm

  8. PW additional information as reply to full draft CMR

    Reporting Gap Palau does not have vessels registered or listed on the record of fishing vessels. Palau also ... does not have vessels authorized to fish on the high seas. Palau (vii) Submission of AR Part 2 and ... submiting its Part 2 report, is voluntarily submitting catch and effort data on foreign vessels fishing in ...

    Ana Taholo - 13 Oct 2014 - 4:55pm


    State responsibility and developing a global record of fishing vessels (FAO 2009b). Trade-based measures ... not they should be used to check the compliance of vessels authorised to fish by RFMO members, is ... ‘s authorisation to fish and registration number; stricter rules for traceability of split catches and shipments; ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 22 Apr 2014 - 2:34pm

  10. IUU Fishing (Japan)

    Chinese Taipei Joint Action Program to Eliminate the IUU Fishing Vessels. About 65 out of the remaining ... are still engaging in IUU fishing, are estimated to be at least 100 vessels (Fig.1). 2 Japanese Import ... government has required additional information on past records (previous flags and names) of the vessels so ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am


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