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  1. Comparative matrix of WCPFC member obligations iwth Philippine policy/law/institutional arrangements- progress

    of 1987, administrative remedies (for sanctions vs fishing vessels) (same) 2 | P a g e Member w/ ... vessels fishing in Philippine waters is under consultation with stakeholders. 1.4.7. Record data and ... inform the Comm a. maintain record of fishing vessels entitled to fly its flag and authorized to be used ...

    EightyOptions - 13 Dec 2012 - 4:09pm

  2. TCC4 Summary Report with Attachments (Edited Version)

    January 2008, and at that time, neither vessel was on the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels. Both vessels ... were subsequently listed on the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels in March 2008. 61. According to Chinese ... on the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels. 63. New Zealand noted that considerable resources are devoted ...

    EightyOptions - 29 Mar 2009 - 5:42am

  3. CMM 2008-01 Replaces CMM 2005-01 and CMM 2006-01

    applied by the Administrator: (i) If a purse seine vessel reports during any fishing day from positions in ... ensure that the level of purse seine fishing effort in days fished2 by their vessels in areas of the high ... a vessel may only engage in fishing operations if the vessel carries on board an observer from the Regional ...

    EightyOptions - 30 Mar 2009 - 9:45pm

  4. Conservation and Management Measure for Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (replaced by CMM 2012-01)

    applied by the Administrator: (i) If a purse seine vessel reports during any fishing day from positions in ... ensure that the level of purse seine fishing effort in days fished2 by their vessels in areas of the high ... a vessel may only engage in fishing operations if the vessel carries on board an observer from the Regional ...

    EightyOptions - 15 Nov 2014 - 12:01am

  5. Options for VMS cooperation among the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation and the Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

    Vessels and Authorization to Fish” PREPARATORY CONFERENCE FOR THE COMMISSION FOR THE CONSERVATION AND ... of monitoring and control of licensed vessels and the necessity to fight IUU fishing, such tool must ... being used by fishing vessels operating in the Convention area, PrepCon members and other States. These ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  6. Other Bycatch Databases

    noted. Consortium for Wildlife Bycatch Reduction  - Bycatch Reduction Database IOSEA Marine Turtle ... Research Centre. WWF Bycatch Solutions Database  - searchable by gear, bycatch type, and region/target ...

    EightyOptions - 7 Oct 2014 - 12:01am

  7. WPEA-SM Project Document

    increased demand for fish from a rapidly growing population and increasing exports, which have substantially ... RFMO Regional Fisheries Management Organization RFV Register of Fishing Vessels RIMF Research Institute ... Change UNFSA UN Fish Stocks Agreement VASEP Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters VINATUNA Vietnam ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 26 Jul 2016 - 12:02am

  8. WCPFC IUU Vessel List

    WCPFC IUU Vessel List The Conservation and Management Measure that relates to the adoption and ... modification of the WCPFC IUU list is Conservation and Management Measure to establish a list of vessels ... presumed to have carried out Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Activities in the WCPO ...

    EightyOptions - 28 Feb 2020 - 11:25am

  9. 2014 CMM Booklet

    Measure Observer notes Reference Record of Fishing Vessels and authorisation to fish Only vessels on the ... WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels are authorized to fish in the WCPFC Convention Area. Vessels can only be ... charters to vessels on the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels. Observers are asked to provide details of ...

    Karl Staisch - 9 Sep 2015 - 12:02am

  10. Confirmed receipt of changes made to JP vessels record_20100512

    Submitted By:  Japan Reporting Requirement:  CMM 2009-01 07 Received Date:  Wednesday, May 12, 2010- 11:00 Sharepoint IIR ID:  302 ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 3 Aug 2023 - 12:50pm


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