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  1. Report of the Fourth PTTP Steering Committee

    SC6-WCPFC-SC6-2010-GN-WP-05-PTTP-ReportFINAL19Aug.pdf SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE SIXTH REGULAR SESSION Nuku’alofa, Tonga 10-19 August 2010 REPORT OF THE ... Matters No administrative matters were raised. 9 Scientific Committee Sixth Regular Session 10-19 August ... PTTP Steering Committee meeting, one Western Pacific pole-and-line tagging cruises (WP3) and two ...

    EightyOptions - 23 Apr 2013 - 4:19pm

  2. Report of the Sixth PTTP Steering Committee

    SC8-RP-PTTP-01-PTTP-Steering-Committee-Report.pdf Microsoft Word- SC8_RP-PTTP-01_PTTP_SC_Report.docx SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE HEIGHTH REGULAR SESSION ... operational plans, implementation and analytical work. The sixth meeting of the PTTP Steering  Committee was held at the 8th Regular Meeting of the WCPFC Scientific Committee ... Since the last PTTP Steering Committee meeting, two Central Pacific handline tagging cruise (CP6  and CP7) and one Papua New Guinea pole‐and‐line tagging cruise (PNGTP2) have been conducted in  ...

    EightyOptions - 23 Apr 2013 - 4:26pm

  3. FM dCMR AddInfo received after 12 Sept

    dCMR-AddInfo_FM.pdf 1 TECHNICAL AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Thirteenth Regular Session 27 September – 3 October 2017 ... September 2017 that the 7 seabirds were recorded as MAH (Great Northern Petrel) when the observer should ...

    Ana Taholo - 26 Sep 2017 - 9:19pm

  4. ICCAT Report- first meeting of the ad hoc working group on FADs (Madrid, Spain, 11-12 May 2015)

    KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / FAD Management Options Working Group ... 2015_ICCAT_FADs_WG_report.pdf 1 FIRST MEETING OF THE AD HOC WORKING GROUP ON FADs (Madrid, Spain, 11-12 May 2015) 1. Opening of ... the meeting The Meeting was held at the ICCAT Secretariat in Madrid from May 11 to 12, 2015. The ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 8 Jun 2015 - 4:53pm

  5. WCPFC gears up for Technical and Compliance Committee

    Committee (TCC5) is scheduled to meet for its fifth annual session at Pohnpei, Federated States of ... Micronesia for 5 1/2 days starting Thursday 1st October. The session will be preceded by a 2-day meeting of ... Commission. The meeting will be chaired by Ambassador Wendell Sanford (Canada) who will be supported by Noan ...

    EightyOptions - 21 Sep 2009 - 1:28pm

  6. Extension- nominations for Shark-IWG

    CCM Section / Inter-sessional / Shark IWG 2018 WCPFC Circular 2018-11 Extension- nominations Shark ... Intersessional Working Group Dear All, Further to Circular No: 2018/01 dated 9th January 2018, the Chair of the ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Jan 2019 - 11:33am

  7. Statement by the members of the Forum Fisheries Committee

    HIGHLY MIGRATORY FISH STOCKS IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PACIFIC First session WCPFC/PrepCon/7 ... meeting described will take place within the following framework. That the Chair of PrepCon 1 will select ... the Chair of the meeting in consultation with PrepCon participants. Every effort will be made to ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:16am

  8. Tuna Scientists preparing for major Manila meeting

    Commission?s Scientific Committee which will meet over two weeks in Manila from 7th August. The Scientific ... around the world are preparing for the second session of the new Western and Central Pacific Fisheries ... Committee advises the Commission on harvesting levels and the status of tuna and other non-target species ...

    EightyOptions - 29 Jul 2009 - 9:57am

  9. MOU between WCPFC and ISC

    for response prior to each meeting of the Northern Committee. This formal request will be transmitted ... accordance with this MOU one (1) month before the annual meetings of the Northern Committee. ISC will also ... will be presented at the annual meeting of the Northern Committee and the Scientific Committee, and may ...

    EightyOptions - 31 Jul 2011 - 10:25am

  10. Work Opportunity: VMS consultancy

    regular session in December 2005, the Commission adopted a recommendation by the first regular session of ... the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC1) that the Commission Secretariat undertake further work ... options identified as offering the best potential to meet the Commission?s needs. [...] ...

    EightyOptions - 29 Jul 2009 - 9:48am


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