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  1. Vessel Monitoring System Small Working Group

    The Commission agreed to establish the VMS-Small Working Group (VMS-SWG) to address the VMS data ... gap and improve the number of vessels reporting to the Commission VMS for consideration by TCC16 ... the WCPFC VMS please go to the WCPFC website VMS page: here Symbol Title Files Date of Issue Circ ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 21 Feb 2022 - 2:56pm

  2. WG.II, Review of data standards, technical capabilities and data sharing policies for the WCP region.

    WCPFC_PrepCon_WP10(Data_Rept).pdf WCPFC_PrepCon_WP10(Data_Rept).doc Interim Advice to the Preparatory Conference for the ... Information Data and Statistics Unit FIGIS Fisheries Global Information System FTP File Transfer Protocol GAM ... � 313.1.2.4 Social and economic data � 333.2 Data handling capabilities � 343.2.1 Database management system ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:04am

  3. 1st Quarter 2009

    Symbol:  WCPFC-2009-QTR-01 Date of Issue:  Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Download (104.47 KB) Folder:  ... About WCPFC / Secretariat Quarterly Reports First Quarter 2009.pdf First Quarter 2009 The Summary Report ... data issues impacting the quality of scientific advice and the take up of scientific advice in ...

    EightyOptions - 17 Sep 2009 - 7:14pm

  4. Process for Designating WCPFC Key Shark Species for Data Provision and Assessment 2010_EB-WP-01_Research_Plan_to_determine_status_of_Key_Shark_Species.pdf FAO (Food and Agriculture ... session/summary-report/SC6%20Final_Edited-Reviewed-Cleaned%20-%2030Mar2011.pdf WCPFC (Western and ... logsheet data systems (e.g. inclusion in the Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission by CCMs). ...

    EightyOptions - 5 Jun 2012 - 3:41am

  5. FAD MgmtWG Reference Papers 2- Preliminary analysis of the Regional Observer Programme data on FAD design

    Review.pdf SC10-ST_IP-09 [FAD Design Review] (Final) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE TENTH REGULAR SESSION Majuro, ... data on FAD design WCPFC-SC10-2014/ST-IP-09 Francisco Abascal, Siosifa Fukofuka, Colley Falasi, Peter ... currently documented for the different purse seine fleets in the WCPO, (ii) identify the main gaps in data ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Apr 2015 - 3:27pm

  6. Summary of Full draft CMR potential issues and CCM replies for individual CCMs

    01|Data gap SciData 02|Data gap Scidata01: We are improving our data collecting system by introducing new ... 2012 (vi) Provision of Scientific Data SciData 01|Data gap SciData 03|Data gap SciData 04|Data Gap ... RaP MCS 44 SciData 01 SciData 02 SciData 03 Data Gap SciData 04 SciData 05 Late submission 12 SUMMARY ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 5 Sep 2014 - 10:10pm

  7. Standards, Specifications and Procedures for Electronic Reporting in the WCPFC- operational catch and effort data + observer data

    Regulations Att T agreed ER standards SSPs 2018 version logbook and obs data.pdf WCPFC14 Summary Report ... technical and administrative systems that ensure data confidentiality3 needed to receive electronically ... international fisheries data exchange system for fisheries (FLUX) which is planned to replace the North Atlantic ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Jul 2018 - 5:09pm

  8. WCPFC Public Domain Aggregated Catch/Effort data download page

    Public Domain data. Note that zip files contain the data (CSV and PDF file containing associated ... Convention Area. These data files were last updated on the 31st October 2023. Review date:  Tuesday, December ... metadata). Aggregated data, grouped by 5°x5° latitude/longitude grids, YEAR and MONTH. (11.06 KB) DRIFTNET ...

    EightyOptions - 5 Dec 2023 - 12:00am

  9. Bycatch d ata exchange protocol

    Sharks / Sharks- data docs EB-IP-15 BDEP.pdf Oceanic Fisheries Programme, FAME, Pacific Community, ... data gaps and related issues. Concurrent work on other research in 2017 has addressed some of the ... of the Bycatch Management Information System provides an opportunity to progress the Bycatch Data ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 15 Aug 2017 - 4:13pm

  10. Public Domain Aggregated Catch/Effort Data

    containing the data; (2) a PDF file containing the field names/formats and the coverage with respect to the ... Area. These data files were last updated on the 31st October 2023. Please provide the following contact ... download the data will be provided. Each public domain zip file contains two files: (1) a CSV file ...

    EightyOptions - 31 Oct 2023 - 2:49pm


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