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  1. MS Excel export of provisional CMR with additional information post TCC11 and requests for change of score from CCMs

    Mexico (i) Catch and effort limits for target species CMM 2009-03 01 CMM 2009-03 N/A NOT APPLICABLE No ... issues detected FALSE FALSE Not applicable New Caledonia (i) Catch and effort limits for target species ... detected FALSE FALSE Not applicable Nauru (i) Catch and effort limits for target species CMM 2009-03 01 CMM ...

    Ana Taholo - 20 Nov 2015 - 6:17pm

  2. MS Excel export of provisional CMR covering 2014 activities with TCC11 agreed outcomes

    Requested New Status Mexico (i) Catch and effort limits for target species CMM 2009-03 01 CMM 2009-03 N/A ... for target species CMM 2009-03 01 CMM 2009-03 N/A NOT APPLICABLE Not applicable due to paragraph 5 of ... species CMM 2009-03 01 CMM 2009-03 N/A NOT APPLICABLE Nauru has no flagged vessels and no local owned ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 8 Oct 2015 - 10:16am


    policies to protect the highly migratory species. MARD are committed to the WPEA project and are looking at ... provided to the WCPFC broken down BY GEAR and SPECIES. • The Vietnam National Fisheries Report (Part 1 of ... continues to be a difficult task and it is still not possible to produce catch estimates BY GEAR and SPECIES ...

    EightyOptions - 1 Aug 2012 - 3:09pm

  4. Conservation and Management Measure on the Application of High Seas FAD Closures and Catch Retention

    to the size, marketability, or species composition, the fish shall only be released before the net is ... include fish that: i. is considered undesirable in terms of size, marketability, or species composition; ... vessel until after an observer has estimated the species composition of the fish to be discarded. 12. The ...

    EightyOptions - 9 Feb 2010 - 1:58pm

  5. FIRST WPEA – NSAP TUNA DATA REVIEW WORKSHOP, 13-14 May 2010, Manila, Philippines

    ........................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Tuna Catch Estimates by Species and Gear Type in each NSAP ... ..................................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX 8 – Estimates of tuna catch by Gear, Region and Species from NSAP sites and non-NSAP ... sites.... 13 APPENDIX 9 – Review of NSAP species composition and size data by region (major tuna gears ...

    EightyOptions - 1 Aug 2012 - 3:03pm

  6. FAD MgmtWG Reference Papers 2- Preliminary analysis of the Regional Observer Programme data on FAD design

    the case of fishing events, on the catch of target species and the interaction with others. In ... general, the coverage on FAD materials and the interaction with bycatch species is very good, but this ... onboard sampling protocol is recommended to enable accurate estimation of the species composition of the ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Apr 2015 - 3:27pm

  7. Summary report by the Chair of Working Group II to the fifth session of the Preparatory Conference

    monitoring the catches of highly migratory species in the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean waters of ... proposal for monitoring the catches of highly migratory species in the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean ... catches of highly migratory species in the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean waters of Indonesia (Annex ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:16am

  8. Information pertaining to Shark Finning

    ratio, information on the tolerance of the ratio for different species and fin positions versus the ... weight by species- Weigh each species’ shark fins separately if shark has been fined by crew, if no ... scales estimate the weight.  Estimated shark carcass weight by species- Weigh each carcass of a finned ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 5:15pm

  9. Southern Hemisphere Porbeagle Shark Stock Status Assessment (Terms of Reference)- Call for Expressions of Interest

    species of highly migratory fish stocks (defined as all fish stocks of the species listed in Annex I of ... UNCLOS occurring in the Convention Area and such other species of fish as the Commission may determine) ... International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) processes such as Non-Detriment Findings. BACKGROUND ON ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 19 May 2015 - 5:28pm

  10. FAD MgmtWG Reference Papers 1- WCPFC Circular 2014/60

    migratory fish stocks, along with non-target, associated and dependent species, are fully understood and ... with sharks, marine turtles, coral reefs, and other species. ADOPTS, in accordance with the provisions ... mitigate the entanglement of sharks, marine turtles and other species. 12. T he SC shall also formulate ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Apr 2015 - 3:34pm


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