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  1. Compliance Monitoring Scheme Intersessional Working Group 2020- 2026

    a checklist to be used by proponents of any proposal to include a list of potential audit points for the ... advised of the launch of the new online Compliance Case File System (Circ 2022-16 (391.59 KB)).  The ... Symbol Title Files Date of Issue Circ 2022-16 Launch of the New Online Compliance Case File System and ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 2 Apr 2024 - 9:27am

  2. Vessel Monitoring System

    into the part of the Convention Area bounded by 20°N and 175°E (the area for which a VMS implementation ... (SSPs) for the fishing vessel monitoring system (VMS) of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries ... amendment for manual reporting in the event of ALC malfunction to apply from 1 March 2017- 1 March 2019.  ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Feb 2024 - 8:47am

  3. Cutoff date for relevant CCMs to submit additional information or clarifications, if it is to be considered in the version of summary paper prepared by Secretariat drawing from WCPFC online compliance case file system (CMM 2018-07 para 29)

    continue to provide additional information or clarification into the online compliance case file system ... Deadline 9 Sep 2019 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei 29. Relevant CCMs may ... . Where such additional information or clarification is provided, at least fifteen days in advance of the ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  4. Cutoff date for relevant CCMs to submit additional information or clarifications, if it is to be considered in the version of summary paper prepared by Secretariat drawing from WCPFC online compliance case file system (CMM 2019-06 para 28)

    continue to provide additional information or clarification into the online compliance case file system ... Deadline 8 Sep 2020 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei 28. Relevant CCMs may ... . Where such additional information or clarification is provided, at least fifteen days in advance of the ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  5. Cutoff date for relevant CCMs to submit additional information or clarifications, if they are to be considered in the version of summary paper prepared by Secretariat drawing from WCPFC online compliance case file system (CMM 2019-06 para 28)

    continue to provide additional information or clarification into the online compliance case file system ... Deadline 6 Sep 2021 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei 28. Relevant CCMs may ... . Where such additional information or clarification is provided, at least fifteen days in advance of the ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  6. Current online compliance case file system (CCFS) will be closed for editing of any cases by members.

    launch of the new CCFS  with more detailed information for members such as how to access the system and ... Deadline 25 Feb 2022 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei Refer to Circular 2022/07 ... During the week of Monday 21 February- Friday 25 February 2022 (Pohnpei time), the IT Manager, Mr Tim ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  7. Submission to FAD Management Options Working Group- from FFA Secretariat

    meetings, including the current regime of FAD closures, FAD limits allocated by flag or coastal State, total ... “willingness to pay” theory, increasing the cost of FAD fishing by imposing a charge will decrease demand for ... “polluter pays” system where the cost to the bigeye population of catching bigeye is paid by the industry to ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 28 Jul 2015 - 5:01pm

  8. MS Excel export of provisional CMR with additional information and requests for change of compliance status from CCMs rev1

    was requested by Indonesia during 2017 for purse seine vessels registered in WCPFC Record of vessel. ... transship out of port had been requested for 2017 Comment on Actual Value = no information received by the ... area by five Canadian vessels fishing for 100 days altogether in 2017. FALSE FALSE Compliant Cook ...

    Ana Taholo - 9 Dec 2018 - 3:27pm

  9. EU submission: A report prepared by European Parliament on FADs

    vessels supported by them and the species for which they are intended to. Sources of information indicated ... 1996) 19 Figure 4. Recent fishing zones of FAD fisheries: average catches by species (for all gears) ... proportional catch by region 41 Figure 20. Proportional distribution of the estimated number of aFADs used for ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 26 Jun 2015 - 4:18pm

  10. MS Excel export of provisional CMR with additional information post TCC13 and requests for change of score

    submitted on April 30 2017 by China include those that were discarded. The actual landed catch for such ... note that the catch data for such species submitted on April 30 2017 by China include those that was ... APPLICABLE No direct Fishery for swordfish,cauht as a by-catch of the albacore fishery.Vanuatu vessels do not ...

    Ana Taholo - 15 Nov 2018 - 1:15am


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