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  1. Information pertaining to Shark Finning Hindmarsh, S. 2007. A review of fin-weight ratios for pelagic sharks. WCPFC-SC3-EB SWG/WP-4. ... Accessed online at Rice, J., L. ... SPC-OFP (Secretariat of the Pacific Community-Oceanic Fisheries Programme). 2015. Status of ROP ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 5:15pm

  2. Excel export of 2016 fCMR covering 2015 activities

    species CMM 2009-06 34 CMM 2009-06 YES APPLICABLE Potential compliance issue CMR issue (RY 2014) Limit ... = source: CMR 2014 Comment on Actual Value = Secretariat note: no indication in reporting of increase in ... Pacific albacore. No issues detected Limit Type = Not Specified Limit Comment = source: CMR 2014 Comment ...

    Ana Taholo - 16 Jun 2017 - 11:30am

  3. Bycatch d ata exchange protocol

    2013-2016. The tables are submitted as an Excel file associated with this paper, along with proposed text for ... BDEP 2017 Tables 1-5 are provided in the associated Excel file –(https://www.wcpfc ... WCPFC Scientific Committee (SC9), Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. 6–15 August 2014. Williams, ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 15 Aug 2017 - 4:13pm

  4. final CMR reports: 2011 (RY2010)- 2016 (RY 2015)

    WCPFC 10 FINAL RECORD_0.pdf 2014_Attachment H_ Final CMR covering 2013 activities as agreed by ... 2010 Final Compliance Monitoring Report.pdf 2012_Attachment L Final CMR as agreed.doc 2013_Pages from ... WCPFC11.pdf 2015_att W_Final Compliance Monitoring Report covering 2014 activities as adopted by WCPFC12.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 15 May 2017 - 12:21pm

  5. Summary of Full draft CMR potential issues and CCM replies for individual CCMs

    Dedicated CCM Section / MCS / Compliance Monitoring Reports / CMR 2014 / Draft summary of final dCMR by CCM ... Symbol:  WCPFC-TCC10-2014-dCMR02 Date of Issue:  Friday, September 5, 2014 Download (1.69 MB) ... Secretariat WCPFC-TCC10-2014-dCMR02 5 September 2014 This working document has been drawn up by the ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 5 Sep 2014 - 10:10pm

  6. CSV File

    Date of Issue:  Friday, May 30, 2014 Download (2.9 MB) Folder:  Record of Fishing Vessels / PDF ... Fishery",,,"Tuna and Billfish","3/1/2013- 2/28/2014",3/1/2013 0:00:00,2/28/2014 ... - 2/28/2014",3/1/2013 0:00:00,2/28/2014 0:00:00,"Inmarsat C: ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 13 Sep 2014 - 12:01am

  7. Update on Improving the WCPFC online Compliance Case File System (CCFS) and proposed approaches for receiving CCM feedback

    on improving the WCPFC CCFS and process for further CCM feedback_final.pdf ... Authors:  Secretariat Symbol:  WCPFC-TCC18-2022-15 Date of Issue:  Friday, August 19, 2022 ... Download (205.3 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / CMS-IWG 2020- 2022 WCPFC-TCC18-2022-15 Update ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 8 Oct 2022 - 2:09pm

  8. Final Compliance Monitoring Report for 2012 (as adopted by WCPFC10)

    Section / MCS / Compliance Monitoring Reports / CMR 2013 / Commission final CMR report 2013 as adopted by ... WCPFC10.pdf Attachment F FINAL COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT (COVERING 2012 ACTIVITIES) Executive Summary I. ... Symbol:  WCPFC10 Date of Issue:  Tuesday, February 4, 2014 Download (623.31 KB) Folder:  ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 2 Sep 2017 - 10:58am

  9. Final CMR covering 2016 activities as agreed at WCPFC14

    Monitoring Reports / CMR 2017 / Commission Att U Final CMR 2017 complete 13 Mar 18.pdf 1 2017 FINAL ... Surveillance (MCS) / Compliance Monitoring / Final CMR reports- public Dedicated CCM Section / MCS / Compliance ... – WCPFC13 assessed Flag State Investigation (CMR RY2015) Completed 2007-01, para 14 China, Japan, Korea, ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 14 Mar 2018 - 11:04am

  10. FAD MgmtWG Reference Papers 1- WCPFC Circular 2014/60

    sia FAD MARKING AND MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION PAPER (PARA 38 OF CMM 2013-01) WCPFC-TCC10-2014-19 29 August ... DISCUSSION PAPER (PARA 38 OF CMM 2013-01) WCPFC11-2014-13_Attachment 2 25 November 2014 TECHNICAL AND ... Papers attached to WCPFC Circular 2014/60 • Feasibility study – PNA FAD tracking and management ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Apr 2015 - 3:34pm


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