Current Stock Status and Advice

Current Status and Management Advice for WCPFC Stocks of Interest

The files posted below present the current stock status and management advice for stocks of interest to the WCPFC, for which assessments have been conducted. Each attached file has a similar layout, providing the latest information on stock status and management advice, research recommendations, useful references and links to previous stock assessment documents.

Symbol Title Files Date of Issuesort ascending
10 North Pacific Striped Marlin file attachment (2.1 MB) 29 Feb 2024
07 North Pacific Swordfish file attachment (797.22 KB) 29 Feb 2024
00 Overview of Stocks of Interest to the WCPFC file attachment (23.07 KB) 29 Feb 2024
01 Bigeye Tuna file attachment (2.58 MB) 29 Feb 2024
05 North Pacific Albacore Tuna file attachment (2.12 MB) 29 Feb 2024
02 Yellowfin Tuna file attachment (2.97 MB) 29 Feb 2024
03 Skipjack Tuna file attachment (1.69 MB) 1 Mar 2023
14 South Pacific Blue Shark file attachment (714.86 KB) 1 Mar 2023
15 North Pacific Blue Shark file attachment (399.43 KB) 1 Mar 2023
20 South Pacific Shortfin Mako Shark file attachment (38.84 KB) 1 Mar 2023
06 Pacific Bluefin Tuna file attachment (2.31 MB) 1 Mar 2023
11 Pacific Blue Marlin file attachment (943.16 KB) 17 Feb 2022
04 South Pacific Albacore Tuna file attachment (2.33 MB) 17 Feb 2022
08 South Pacific Swordfish file attachment (1.66 MB) 17 Feb 2022
17 Pacific Bigeye Thresher Shark file attachment (702.31 KB) 19 Nov 2019
18 Southern Hemisphere Porbeagle Shark file attachment (75.27 KB) 19 Nov 2019
19 Whale Shark file attachment (255.14 KB) 19 Nov 2019
12 Oceanic Whitetip Shark file attachment (969.28 KB) 19 Nov 2019
16 North Pacific Shortfin Mako Shark file attachment (228.84 KB) 19 Nov 2019
09 Southwest Pacific Striped Marlin file attachment (1.3 MB) 19 Nov 2019
13 Silky Shark file attachment (196.18 KB) 19 Nov 2019
Page Updated 19 Nov, 2019
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