WCPFC Annual Catch and Effort Estimates (ACE) Tables by fleet

At the WCPFC16 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, in December 2020 the Commission in adopting the TCC15 Summary Report tasked the Secretariat and Scientific Services Provider to trial in 2020 publishing on the WCPFC website, of Annual Catch and Effort (ACE) tables (Essential Annual Fisheries Information Tables I – IV and Tabular Annual Fisheries Information Tables 1-5 and Figures 1-3 from Annual Report Part 1) that are based on April 30 scientific data submissions.

The trial was approved in 2020, so as to allow CCMs through SC and TCC, to explore a streamlining suggestion for Annual Report Part 1. 

The usual schedule for generation of the ACE tables is:

  • 30 April: Deadline for “Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission” submissions
  • 30 May: Provisional ACE tables published for most recent 5 years
  • 30 June: Latest ACE tables published in preparation for Scientific Committee
  • 20 Sept: Latest ACE tables published in preparation for Technical and Compliance Committee
  • November: Final estimates of ACE tables in preparation for Regular Annual Session of the WCPFC

CCMs may review published ACE tables listed below and are requested to provide revisions and updates to WCPFC/SPC as required.

Notes as at 17th May 2022

  • Maps of catch by species have been produced for the most recent five (5) years and are included in these tables.  The maps are consistent with the WCPFC data dissemination rules in excluding the activities of less than 3 vessels.  However, maps with all data (i.e. unfiltered) can be generated and included in the ACE Tables, if the flag-state CCM provides authorisation to do so.  An alternative is that the unfiltered map can be provided directly to the flag-state CCM on request (but not published in the ACE Table on the WCPFC web site).
  • The following data summaries are included in addition to catch estimates by broad ocean area:
    • Additional EFFORT ESTIMATES where it is practicable to be derived based on the April 30 scientific data submissions from CCMs, and
    • Derived recent annual catch and effort estimates that could be relevant for reviews of implementation of some CMMs and for certain CCMs where it is practicable for the estimate to be derived based on the April 30 scientific data submissions from CCMs.
  • DISCARDS by SPECIES in “number of fish” have been submitted for a number of longline fleets, but are not yet included in the ACE Tables.  We hope to include an additional worksheet tabulating the “DISCARDS in number” for longline fleets in a future version of the ACE tables.

Last updated on the 15th July 2024

CCMs who have comments or revisions on the ACE tables are asked to highlight the edits in the relevant Excel file, and to submit the revised version to Dr. Tiffany Vidal, WCPFC Data Manager: Tiffanyv@spc.int and cc. Dr SungKwon Soh, Science Manager: sungkwon.soh@wcpfc.int

Page Updated 17 Jul, 2024
CCM - FleetLonglinePole-and-linePurse seineTrollGillnetHandline smHandline lgRingnetOther
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Canadafile attachment
Chinafile attachment file attachment
Cook Islandsfile attachment file attachment file attachment
Ecuadorfile attachment
El Salvadorfile attachment
European Union - ESfile attachment file attachment
Federated States of Micronesiafile attachment file attachment
Fijifile attachment file attachment
French Polynesiafile attachment file attachment file attachment
Indonesiafile attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment
Japanfile attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment
Japan - CSfile attachment
Japan - DWfile attachment
Kiribatifile attachment file attachment file attachment
Naurufile attachment file attachment
New Caledoniafile attachment
New Zealandfile attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment
Niuefile attachment
Palaufile attachment
Papua New Guineafile attachment file attachment
Philippinesfile attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment file attachment
Philippines - DWfile attachment
Republic of Koreafile attachment file attachment
Republic of Marshall Islandsfile attachment file attachment
Samoafile attachment
Solomon Islandsfile attachment file attachment file attachment
Chinese Taipeifile attachment file attachment
Chinese Taipei - DWfile attachment
Chinese Taipei - OSfile attachment
Tokelaufile attachment
Tongafile attachment
Tuvalufile attachment file attachment file attachment
United States of Americafile attachment file attachment
United States of America - ASfile attachment file attachment
United States of America - GUfile attachment
United States of America - HWfile attachment file attachment file attachment
United States of America - MPfile attachment file attachment
Vanuatufile attachment file attachment file attachment
Vietnamfile attachment file attachment file attachment
Wallis and Futunafile attachment
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